Cooper: Diane, last night I dreamed I was eating a large, tasteless gumdrop, and awoke to discover I was chewing on one of my foam disposable earplugs. Perhaps I should consider moderating my nighttime coffee consumption.
                        -- "Twin Peaks"

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August 2007

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About me:
* Born in Dayton. Eldest of 10. Lived there 21 years.
* Graduated University of Dayton, 1986.
* Two years in Binghamton.
* Eight years in Chicago area.
* One year in Fort Wayne.
* Back to Chicago area, since 1998.
* 1993: First album recorded.
* 1999: First Regis experience.
* 2003: First theater experience.
* 2005: Eleventh album recorded.

Home » Archives » August 2007 » Coffee

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08/26/2007: "Coffee"

Remember this little event? Prophecy? (Or "The Prophecy" starring Christopher Walken?) Or perhaps some sinister influence? I can be very suggestible.

The rumors are true. I've gone over to the coffee side. For the last month I've been slurping it up like, well, like I used to drink the pop. Something strange happened. Pop, especially Coke, started tasting odd to me. Off, somehow. Perhaps someone altered my DNA. And I suddenly found that coffee was quite desirable; despite always thinking it tasted like hot water in the past and never caring much for hot beverages in general. Now I can't get enough! Somebody get me another pot! I might be obsessive. Or compulsive? Surely not both.

Now I'm drinking mostly coffee... and water. Even in my frenzied euphoria, I recognize that at some point in the day I need to stop with the coffee before my heart explodes. Then I end up drinking more water, usually by dinnertime. But I also have a strong taste for, unfortunately, somewhat more expensive drinks. Pop is fairly cheap. But when I'm not drinking coffee or (plain) water now, my cheap, refreshing Coke has been replaced with much larger quantities of things that I used to drink in quiet moderation, like Gatorade, bottled water, and those energy drinks that are so popular with the kids. (Not to say that any of this -- other than the coffee -- is new to me. It's all just gotten more intense. To be fair, let's not forget that I was talking about VRBs -- and trying to make them myself -- back in 1999.)

Kind of makes you wonder how much a person can change and still be the same person....

Replies: 2 Comments

on Sunday, August 26th, Liz said

YES!!!! FINALLY!!!!!! big grin told you coffee was great...

on Thursday, August 30th, Big Coffee said

I didn't know you went thru a "vodka red-bull" period. That stuff might be dangerous. Coffee, however, never hurt nobody! Even so, the sheriff in Phoenix won't let the inmates drink it. Favorite Movie: Coffee and Cigarettes (2003) A Must See