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12/26/2009: "Great Men of Science"
And so the Great Men of Science petered out by the end of 1994, another project left incomplete. The final two represent new possible categories for expansion, along with the Scientists of Doom expansion. March 1994 had a "fictional scientist" entry, and August 1994 saw the only entry for a type of scientist instead of a specific person.
Great Men Of Science, Part 18
If you're into collecting fungus and mold
Dr. Venkman's your pal. He traps spirits cold.
He's not the gate keeper. He's not the key master.
But he'll make you laugh louder, harder and faster.
Great Men Of Science, Part 19
Tears are falling but don't blame Kiss.
Why not blame the meteorologist?
He claims to predict the rain that you're hatin'.
If he really knew that you'd think he's working with Satan.
But you can count on this guy to be usually wrong.
He's not pounding a drum or banging a gong.
He's an anonymous sort, but scientific no less
With his rumpled old clothes -- and on Tuesdays a dress.
Parts 1-4
Parts 5-7
Parts 8-12
Parts 13-17