Cooper: Diane, last night I dreamed I was eating a large, tasteless gumdrop, and awoke to discover I was chewing on one of my foam disposable earplugs. Perhaps I should consider moderating my nighttime coffee consumption.
                        -- "Twin Peaks"

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Killer Owls
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January 2006

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About me:
* Born in Dayton. Eldest of 10. Lived there 21 years.
* Graduated University of Dayton, 1986.
* Two years in Binghamton.
* Eight years in Chicago area.
* One year in Fort Wayne.
* Back to Chicago area, since 1998.
* 1993: First album recorded.
* 1999: First Regis experience.
* 2003: First theater experience.
* 2005: Eleventh album recorded.

Home » Archives » January 2006 » Kitsch

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01/06/2006: "Kitsch"

Cafepress -- the place where I have my Troubled Loners and Ancient Order Of The Killer Owl merchandise stores -- is going to be starting their "anti-Valentine's Day" promotion soon, so I thought, hey, this is a chance for me to add something to my non-band store. I'm not opposed to some further editing -- well, maybe a little opposed -- but I whipped together a design based on an old rhyme and slapped it on some mugs. I don't want it to look too polished. On the other hand, I don't exactly want it to look sloppy, either.