Cooper: Diane, last night I dreamed I was eating a large, tasteless gumdrop, and awoke to discover I was chewing on one of my foam disposable earplugs. Perhaps I should consider moderating my nighttime coffee consumption.
                        -- "Twin Peaks"

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Killer Owls
Old dlog
Reach out

January 2006

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About me:
* Born in Dayton. Eldest of 10. Lived there 21 years.
* Graduated University of Dayton, 1986.
* Two years in Binghamton.
* Eight years in Chicago area.
* One year in Fort Wayne.
* Back to Chicago area, since 1998.
* 1993: First album recorded.
* 1999: First Regis experience.
* 2003: First theater experience.
* 2005: Eleventh album recorded.

Tuesday, January 31st


What's this, the winter olympics is starting soon? They still do that? Well, it's good to see the international global elite haven't gotten around to eliminating the biathlon yet. Rock on, biathletes!

Dan on 01.31.06 @ 12:56 PM CT [link]

Tuesday, January 24th


I swear. I'm not surprised, but now they're making you sign to buy Sudafed. They've got a little binder so they can check how long it's been since the last time you bought any. And they say it's the law. Of course, there's a Walgreens on every corner, each with their own little binders filled with pages of people's records. So you can always get more if you want. But it's just a hassle. It's easier to hassle the law-abiding by passing a new feel-good law than actually enforcing existing laws. And it's certainly easy to ban stuff you don't care about yourself. The ones who don't like smoking ban smoking. If you didn't like milk, it would be easy to support a ban that, too.

I wish I knew who was responsible for these laws so I could vote against them. Of course, I'm sure it's like voting against the people who never do anything about traffic. Can I vote against them all? Some do. It's called not voting. If someone knows how to run a campaign, I'm your "free the sudafed" candidate. State senate, U.S. House, whatever. Of course, you have to take the rest of my conservative/libertarian positions, too, but number 1 will be to stop this crazy, stupid attempt to keep me from buying nasal decongestant. Last year they hid it behind the counter. Now you have to sign for it. Next it'll be prescription only -- that's already how it is in Oregon. After that, banned. Just like they did with diet pills containing ephedra. And when that day comes, I can only hope all the politicians who felt like they were helping by getting sudafed off the street (and into the black market where the bold and daring can make huge profits on it -- just wait until it's completely outlawed) will all get a chronic case of stuffy nose that lasts the rest of their natural lives.

And as far as "helping", this article points out how all these restrictions on sudafed don't really help, at least not in the big picture. You have to read past the first paragraph. Sure, some people have stopped buying or stealing sudafed by the truckful since it got more restricted, reducing their ability to cook up some meth; so the Mexicans jump in to fill the void with a more expensive, more powerful version, with more dangerous criminals and more severe medical problems. Way to go, big government.
Dan on 01.24.06 @ 06:44 PM CT [link]

Standup Philosopher

Homer: [thinking] Hmm...Barney's movie had heart, but "Football in the Groin" had a football in the groin.
Barney: [on the screen, in his movie] Don't cry for me, I'm already dead.
Homer: Wow. I'll never drink another beer.
Man: Beer here!
Homer: I'll take ten.
-- "A Star is Burns"
Dan on 01.24.06 @ 08:23 AM CT [link]

Tuesday, January 17th

Standup Philosopher

Some people like to say that you are what you eat. A better metaphor for my life is my house. You see, everything in my house is covered with dust.
Dan on 01.17.06 @ 09:33 AM CT [link]

Friday, January 6th


Cafepress -- the place where I have my Troubled Loners and Ancient Order Of The Killer Owl merchandise stores -- is going to be starting their "anti-Valentine's Day" promotion soon, so I thought, hey, this is a chance for me to add something to my non-band store. I'm not opposed to some further editing -- well, maybe a little opposed -- but I whipped together a design based on an old rhyme and slapped it on some mugs. I don't want it to look too polished. On the other hand, I don't exactly want it to look sloppy, either.
Dan on 01.06.06 @ 07:08 PM CT [link]

Sunday, January 1st


It looks as if I'm going to be in another March show, besides "Narnia". I'm going to be Ralph -- the sleazy director of the play in which the blind guy's next-door-neighbor gets a small part -- in "Butterflies Are Free", presented by WCP. Wow, the very same role played by Starsky in the movie version. It is the smallest of the 4 roles in this show, which is probably good, since the performances are the 1st two weekends of March, right before "Narnia", which runs the 3rd weekend of March. Preparing for two shows for the next few months ought to keep me occupied. And, yes, for the first time I'll be in a show in which I'm already familiar with the movie version which I like enough to have seen several times.
Dan on 01.01.06 @ 11:33 AM CT [link]