Cary Grant
"His Girl Friday" is the screwball comedy that all screwball comedies are compared against. Divorce is -- what, again? -- an underlying factor in this well-known Cary Grant movie. At the start, he learns that his ex-wife (Rosalind Russell), who's also a reporter for his newspaper, is getting remarried. And what follows is 90 minutes of madcap, quick-witted, fast-talking zaniness as he works to prevent the marriage and get the scoop on the big story of the day -- the impending execution of a mild-mannered middle-aged nobody. Pay attention, the dialogue is as fast and furious as any movie ever made.
This gets me up to 25 Cary Grant films. That still leaves almost 50 to go, but at this point, they're getting harder and harder to just stumble upon.
Dan on 12.31.08 @ 03:51 PM CT [link] [No Comments]