At the halfway point, "Enchanted Sleeping Beauty" seems to be going rather well. Meanwhile, what's next? I missed the auditions for "1776" at PM&L last week, since there was a conflict both nights with tech week rehearsals for "Sleeping Beauty" -- you know, the rehearsals out of all rehearsals that no one can ever, ever miss. But down in Roselle, they're having auditions tonight and tomorrow. For "1776"! How about that. I'm not sure what to call the group exactly. The audition notice said Trinity Lutheran. That's a church and school. Trinity Lutheran's website refers to the Trinity Drama Group. Whatever it's called, it's clearly sponsored by this church, which is probably no different from a theater sponsored by a park district.
While word on the street is that PM&L's auditions brought in about 40 guys, at least the first night at Trinity is more like what I would have expected. I think there were 8 or 9 guys there, at least during the first hour when I was there. I don't know what the minimum number of guys for this show is, although I'm sure it's less than the 24 that PM&L is casting. Since Roselle is so far, I put down that I'd only accept one of the 3 leads (Jefferson, Adams, Franklin) or Richard Henry Lee. I'm not sure if I'm right for any of them, but if I'm going all the way to Roselle, I want something more than the least known delegate or the custodian or something. Despite my intentions, me being me, after reading and singing ("Shipoopi" -- do I never get tired of singing that at auditions?), the guys running it talked to me a little and I agreed to include Dickinson on my acceptable list. Like Lee, he's one of the supporting characters who has (essentially) his own song. Now we wait. I think I did "Shipoopi" as well as ever. But then they had me try the Richard Henry Lee song ("The Lees of Old Virginia") which I did not get to practice or learn or anything and subsequently butchered like an Easter ham. Mmm. Butchered.
Dan on 04.22.07 @ 08:34 PM CT [link]
Saturday, April 21st
You've seen the picture below. There was also damage in front, which is not nearly as noticeable. The estimate is in. (Well, the initial estimate.) Based on what's observable, the professional guess as to what's needed to return it to its former qualitude is... $5800 and 3 weeks. Good thing it wasn't a really bad accident. Fortunately for me, as a one car family, the insurance also throws in a rental. Not as nice as my wrecked car, but wheels is wheels, I suppose.
Dan on 04.21.07 @ 03:16 PM CT [link]
Thursday, April 19th
Have I failed to remind about tomorrow's opening night? "Enchanted Sleeping Beauty" starts tomorrow for two weekends at the Round Lake Area Park District community center. I'll be there as the prime minister. (This is my 20th show. Ah, so many memories.) Also appearing will be some of your old favorites from the Round Lake Area Park District Community Theater production of "Bye Bye Birdie". And a gaggle of kids singing and dancing in their cute little way. I'm talking real kids. Not even in high school. W.C. Fields would think I was nuts. N-V-T-S Nuts.
Dan on 04.19.07 @ 09:34 PM CT [link]
Tuesday, April 17th
What time is it when the clock strikes 13? Oh, sweet beloved infiniti, how can I live with what you've become. The boys at the body shop may be able to make you good as new, but I'll know. Yes, I'll know.

I was the 3rd car in a 4 car smash. Poor car #2 was only 2 months old. And car #4 had to be towed away. I can't wait to see what the (4th car's) insurance appraiser says my repair costs will be. Or, I should say, how much they'll pay for the repairs. Something tremendous, I'm expecting. Even more, I hope there's a reputable shop that will do it for what the appraiser says. That rear quarterpanel stretches all the way to the front windshield. For goodness sake. It really looks much worse in person than the photo.
No one was hurt. And my car's still driveable. It's just a hideous shadow of its once proud self.
Dan on 04.17.07 @ 09:56 PM CT [
Sunday, April 15th
Life's full of mysteries. Like, why do some people get acting jobs over and over while there are mobs of underemployed waitresses and bartenders in Los Angeles. Jonathan Rhys Meyers, anyone? For example. I just saw another story about him. Critics -- and, I assume, teen girls -- think he's aces. But what I've seen of him is so lifeless, emotionless, and blank. Can't anyone play that? And don't try to throw Keanu Reeves at me. He's in interesting movies. And even his dim-bulb characters have something I can't explain but I don't see it in the somnambulant performance of one Jonathan Rhys Meyers. On the other hand, I'm basing this only on articles, photos, and one movie ("Match Point"). Maybe there's more to him than the droopy, weary, monotonic image I've seen. On the other, other hand, what you see is very often what you get.
See how easy it is to criticize? I wonder if I could get a job as a critic. Sweet, media paychecks.
Dan on 04.15.07 @ 01:01 PM CT [link]