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12/22/2006: "Computers"
Over 10 years ago I started keeping a list of every movie I watched. Same as everybody else. Once you start something like that, how can you stop. Frankly, something like the following was probably going to be the only way I'd quit.
As I was adding an entry last night, nothing happened for a while, and then, an error. And when I went back, the database was corrupted and not recognized as an Access file. The "repair database" function wouldn't work, since it didn't look like a database. For crying out loud. I suspect this can be connected to me updating it from another computer over my wireless network. What was I thinking. And now it's apparently unrecoverable. Backups? Yeah, I do make backups once in a while. The last time was, um, over a year and a half ago.
The first entry was "They Live", which I watched in June 1996. The last entry on the backup is "The Butterfly Effect" in April 2005, the first of many times that I've watched that one. In the span of almost 9 years I saw 1427 unique movies, and quite a few more than once. Now with a gap of 20 months of lost entries, there doesn't seem to be much point in starting again. Thus it ends.