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07/15/2006: "world series of pop culture"
I've seen the first 2 episodes of this "World Series Of Pop Culture" and I think I like it. Now, do I like it because it's a good show or because I tried out for it with a couple other guys (as the phenomenally named team, "Elvis Needs Boats"). That's a tough call. You're part of a team, but you play by yourself. That's good. And if you make one mistake, you're not out -- although you might be seriously down. That's good, too. From what I've seen so far -- which is 4 first round matchups -- the questions don't seem as tough as the written test they gave people at their auditions. That was one hard test. [The first 4 shows -- covering all 8 first round matchups -- premiered in the last week before the final 4 shows started premiering in their regular Thursday slot.]