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03/14/2006: "Music"
Today I was listening to a couple of my old albums, The Garmonbozia Within and More Nuggets Of Joy. It's amazing how primitive they sound to me now, and these were the 8th and 9th albums I'd made. And yet, I can still hear some good tunes and clever lyrics -- sometimes even in the same song! But they did generally seem to have some problems, like the drums were mixed too low and the bass was either muddy or just too loud. But I still like them. Maybe I should re-record them with my current mad skillz! I wonder if the equipment I used on the last two albums makes that much difference. Because the guitar, keyboards, drum machine and mics have been the same for a long, long time. But for One With Landru, and the subsequent Killer Owl album, which sound so much better, I switched from recording on a 4-track cassette to an 8-track minidisc. And I think that's when I started using a vocal harmony processor. Maybe I've also finally hit on a good technique for my recording process. I'd kind of hope there's more to it than just better equipment. I wonder if 10 years from now I'll look back on the stuff I've recorded recently and think the same thing, that I can't believe how crudely primitive these recordings are. You know, the way people look at old pictures and laugh -- or groan -- at the clothes and hair, and feel superior about how sensible and normal we are today. And in the future they'll do the same with pictures from today.