Cooper: Diane, last night I dreamed I was eating a large, tasteless gumdrop, and awoke to discover I was chewing on one of my foam disposable earplugs. Perhaps I should consider moderating my nighttime coffee consumption.
                        -- "Twin Peaks"

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October 2006

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About me:
* Born in Dayton. Eldest of 10. Lived there 21 years.
* Graduated University of Dayton, 1986.
* Two years in Binghamton.
* Eight years in Chicago area.
* One year in Fort Wayne.
* Back to Chicago area, since 1998.
* 1993: First album recorded.
* 1999: First Regis experience.
* 2003: First theater experience.
* 2005: Eleventh album recorded.

Sunday, October 29th


Wow. I think we went out with a bang. Today was the 9th and final performance of "Sleepy Hollow" at Stage 48 and I think it went pretty well. And the full house audience -- over 80 people -- seemed pretty into it. It ended with the usual sad goodbyes that follow all shows, of course. There was one way that it ended differently from every other show I've been in. There was no strike. Not even a sorting of props and costumes; let alone tearing down the set. At least, I never heard any talk of sticking around for the strike and I didn't see anyone doing so. I'd say that -- more so even than receiving pay -- makes the whole thing feel more professional than anything else.
Dan on 10.29.06 @ 06:46 PM CT [link]

Sunday, October 22nd


If you were me, these are the tv shows you'd be watching. At least, these would be the ones filling up your tivo. You lucky dog. There will probably be a conflict soon, when the World Series ends, but who knows what the future brings.

King of the Hill -- Fox
The Simpsons -- Fox
Family Guy -- Fox
Prison Break -- Fox
24 -- Fox
Lost -- ABC
Numb3rs -- CBS
Survivor -- CBS
The Amazing Race -- CBS
Smith -- CBS -- already cancelled
Jericho -- CBS
Friday Night Lights -- NBC
Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip -- NBC
Veronica Mars -- The CW
Best Week Ever -- VH1
Aqua Teen Hungerforce -- Cartoon Network
Robot Chicken -- Cartoon Network
Metalocalypse -- Cartoon Network

How do I ever find the time. Well, I did save myself some time by not including links to each of these shows' websites. Hi-five!
Dan on 10.22.06 @ 06:37 PM CT [link]

Saturday, October 21st


I can't tell if there's any connection between a "good" show and how I feel during the show, but I do like it better when I feel great. And tonight, night 6 of "Sleepy Hollow", was the best I've felt physically and mentally before, during, and after the show. (Too bad I don't know how I got into this state.) Most people will probably say that last Sunday's was the best performance -- due to the active audience -- but I do like nights like this one. And the beauty of it is... there's one more weekend to go! Right on, brother.
Dan on 10.21.06 @ 11:02 PM CT [link]

Wednesday, October 11th


That's just great. I was thinking now would be a good time to review my TiVo's season pass list -- and I just see that one of the shows has (essentially) been cancelled -- "Smith" -- after only 3 episodes aired. Ah, Ray Liotta, we hardly knew ye. Get back to the big screen where you belong. I guess I'll review that TiVo list another time.
Dan on 10.11.06 @ 12:29 AM CT [link]

Friday, October 6th


Next week -- Friday the 13th -- "Sleepy Hollow" opens at Stage 48 in Libertyville. Did I mention I got into a show in November? Waukegan Community Players is doing "All In The Timing" the 2nd and 3rd weekends of November. It's a series of one-act comedies. We're doing 4 of them. I'm in "Philadelphia", which, well, I don't know how to explain simply.
Dan on 10.06.06 @ 08:18 PM CT [link]