Cooper: Diane, last night I dreamed I was eating a large, tasteless gumdrop, and awoke to discover I was chewing on one of my foam disposable earplugs. Perhaps I should consider moderating my nighttime coffee consumption.
                        -- "Twin Peaks"

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Killer Owls
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January 2008

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About me:
* Born in Dayton. Eldest of 10. Lived there 21 years.
* Graduated University of Dayton, 1986.
* Two years in Binghamton.
* Eight years in Chicago area.
* One year in Fort Wayne.
* Back to Chicago area, since 1998.
* 1993: First album recorded.
* 1999: First Regis experience.
* 2003: First theater experience.
* 2005: Eleventh album recorded.

Monday, January 21st


Today was Snooks' birthday! I didn't get him a present -- we aren't really all that close -- but I did listen to one of his albums, "Out Of Nowhere", which was released in 1989 and is apparently out of print. I looked for it on today, but all I could find was an import version of the CD (with 3 bonus tracks) and the cassette version being sold by individuals or small businesses or something -- not amazon.

Dan on 01.21.08 @ 10:50 PM CT [link]

Wednesday, January 16th


Last night was the second performance of "Rapunzel"; very lightly attended, but I'd say a better show than the first one. There were probably no more than a dozen people there and, oddly enough, only a couple were little kids, which I would think would be the only audience for this thing. As someone over the age of 12, I think I'd have a hard time sitting through it -- although I can imagine finding it bearable if the right person was in the cast. wink Yesterday's house must have been filled with your standard lovers of the theatrical arts -- and (most likely) friends and family of the performers.

Dan on 01.16.08 @ 02:56 PM CT [link]

Wednesday, January 2nd

The Future

How cool would it be if this "sleep replacement" actually worked? That would eliminate one of the three biggest time-wasters in life. The lack of side effects is generally considered a good thing, but I've found that -- for example, with coffee -- the side effects are at least half the fun. So I'd miss that part of coffee. I suppose in this magical future, you'd still be able to get coffee for recreational purposes.

Meanwhile, my list on the side of "what's in my car's CD player" has become irrelevant, since I've got just a single disk player now with a hard drive to store many, many albums. I don't want to replace it with a list like "what I ate for dinner" that would demand frequent updates, so for now I'll go with a simple "about me" text.

Dan on 01.02.08 @ 07:59 AM CT [link]